We are a nonprofit progressive training and education collective preparing women to run and win campaigns.

Three women in a power stance. Left, white women with shaved purple hair, center Black women with a curly afro, right is an Asian women with med length black wavey hair

Run. Fight. Win.

Run. Fight. Win.

We exist to increase women’s voices in the halls of power and fundamentally change the way power works for the benefit of our families and communities.

A white women is shaking hands with a Latina women while holding a certificate. two other women are looking upon the interaction with joy

What We Offer

  • We hold free hybrid 3-day weekend trainings on how to run and manage political campaigns from start to finish.

  • We provide one-on-one mentorship sessions to with seasoned political practitioners at every level of government.

  • We speak out boldly about matters of public concern through an intersectional lens of racial and gender equity.

  • We facilitate forums to educate and motivate voters.

  • We connect women candidates to experienced consultants for every aspect of running a campaign.

Two women standing together. On the right is a white women with a shaved head and body and face looking forward. On the right is a Black women in a hijab, body facing right head facing forward.

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