• Denver leaders detail plans to roll out new Office of Neighborhood Safety

    May 15, 2024 | Brandon Richard | Denver7

  • Denver moves $11 million of public safety money to form unarmed Office of Neighborhood Safety Some community activists say the city is trying to steal their work.

    May 13, 2024 | Kyle Harris | Denverite

  • Denver mayor creates neighborhood safety office in $11 million shift in public safety approach New office will oversee city’s STAR program, youth safety efforts, other existing initiatives

    May 13, 2024 | Joe Rubino | Denver Post

  • Mayor Mike Johnston Launches Denver Neighborhood Safety Office "What that will do is that will bring together all the operations in the city that help support all the ways with which we can keep communities safe that don't involve law enforcement."

    May 13, 2024 | Bennito L. Kelty | Westword

  • Denver advocates accuse mayor of competing with them after creation of neighborhood safety office

    May 13, 2024 | Alayna Alvarez | Axios

  • Denver's DA candidates promise to hold police accountable

    May 14, 2024 | Esteban L. Hernandez | Axios

  • Denver mayor announces new Office of Neighborhood Safety The Denver Task Force to Reimaging Policing and Public Safety accused Mayor Mike Johnston of trying to co-opt its initiative.

    May 13, 2024 | Brandon Richard | Denver7

  • Former female Denver cops: Don’t enroll in police academy

    April 27, 2024 | David Heitz | NewsBreak

    “Former mayoral candidate Lisa Calderon joined former Denver policewomen Thursday to encourage potential recruits not to sign up for the upcoming Denver Police Academy for women.”

  • Victim in former Denver police officer misconduct case from 2016 shares her story

    April 30, 2024 | Micah Smith | Denver Channel 7

    “TC, who has asked to remain anonymous, said initially her response was ignored.”

  • ‘Nobody is going to tell you it’s your turn.’ A roundtable discussion with women lawmakers on the political landscape and leadership in Colorado

    April 26, 2024 | Molly Cruse | CPR

    “Colorado has consistently ranked highly for the number of women holding elected office for the last few decades. Colorado currently ranks second in the nation for the number of women elected to the state legislature. But this number only tells a fraction of the story.”

  • Advocacy groups criticize Denver's new immigration strategy

    April 11, 2024 | Brandon Richard | Denver Channel 7

    “Groups call the plan "short-sighted" and believe it will undermine success”

  • Can Mayor Johnston Reduce Gun Violence by 20%?

    April 11, 2024 | City Cast

    Colorado recorded a record-high number of gun deaths in 2021, according to the Colorado Sun. While gun violence has waned since then, it’s not decreasing fast enough for many Denverites, including Mayor Mike Johnston. He announced last week his new plan to reduce gun crime in Denver by 20% in 2024 by expanding the city’s focus on high-crime areas known as “hot spots.” So host Bree Davies is sitting down with former mayoral candidate and criminal justice professor Lisa Calderón to talk about how Johnston’s strategy compares with his predecessor and what she’d be doing differently.

  • Denver cop who kept job after pursuing relationship with sex assault victim resigns as new misconduct emerges

    April o4, 2024 | SHELLY BRADBURY | Denver Post

  • Community leaders say cutting rec center hours will negatively impact Denver youth

    Feb 14, 2024, Denver 7 News

    “Funding our parks and rec departments is a public safety strategy," said Calderon. “We also know that when kids have things to do that are productive, then they don't get into other activities later on that we then pay for through the court system.”

  • Women Uprising Presents to Denver City Council Safety Committee

    Women Uprising Exectuvie Director, Dr. Lisa Calderón, present at Denver City Council Safety Meeting for an Office of Community Alternatives to Policing and Safety wit the Denver Taskforce to Reimagine Policing and Public Safety.

  • Lawyer on Denver Health board says he’s stopped lobbying for tobacco giant Altria after getting a call to resign

    CPR I John Daley I Dec. 13, 2023

    “That change on the state’s lobbyist disclosure came a day after community advocate Lisa Calderón and a grassroots Latino community group called Latinos United Neighbors Association, or LUNA, met with Johnston to give a multi-issue scorecard, which referenced Friednash’s seat on the Denver Health board. “

  • Latino Score Card on Denver Mayor Mike Johnston

    Dr. Calderón committed to her supporter's accountability for Mayor Mike Johnston in exchange for her endorsement of him as a harm reduction strategy.

    Six months later she issued the first-ever Latino Scorecard grading his performance with input from community leaders and City employees. They will continue to meet with Mayor Mike Johnston and monitor the progress on his commitments.

  • Latino community group gives new Denver mayor low marks after four months in office

    Denverite I John Daley I Nov. 29, 2023

    “Calderón stood outside the office she’d hoped to occupy herself to deliver a D grade to Johnston. The score is based on a 79-point scorecard of ratings given across categories like economic justice, education equity, leadership culture, public safety, gentrification and displacement, and immigration.”

  • Latino community leaders give Denver mayor low grade on his job performance

    Denver 7 I Brandon Richard I Nov 29, 2023

    “Calderón vowed to hold the mayor to commitments she said he made when he sought her endorsement. Six months later, Calderón and other Latino community leaders met with Johnston behind closed doors at the Denver City-County Building to discuss his performance in several key areas.”

  • Mayor Mike Johnston, facing calls for change, decides to keep current Denver police chief, safety director

    The Denver Post I JACOB FACTOR & JOE RUBINO I November 14, 2023

    “But the decision to keep the two leaders came under fire Tuesday from Lisa Calderón, a nonprofit leader and longtime criminal justice activist who came in third in the mayor’s race this spring.”

  • Lisa Calderón and Neighborhood Group LUNA Pushing for Accountability with New Administration

    El Semanario I Chanel Ward I Aug 24, 2023

  • Settling Denver police curfew lawsuit: $4.7 million

    Aug 24, 2023 | Newsbreak

  • ACLU sues Colorado Springs, FBI, alleging illegal search of progressive nonprofit, activist’s home

    Aug 1, 2023 | Colorado Sun

  • Overdose prevention center bill could return to Colorado Capitol next year

    Aug 30, 2023 | Colorado Newsline

  • Lisa Calderón plans to take retaliation case to a jury in dispute against city, former Mayor Hancock

    Aug 20, 23 | The Denver Post

  • It took courage': First-term Democrats challenge decades of illegal meetings at Colorado's legislature

    Colorado Politics

  • Denver DA Candidate Score Card

    Check out our DA scorcard

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